Migrating from v0.x to v1.x

We are still keeping majority of the API in v0.x backwards compatible with the new v1.x.

But using old API would give you deprecated warnings, and they can be eliminated by following the guide below.


Recommended equivalent methods for App instance, introduced in new API:

v0.x v1.x
app.getService(name) app.get(serviceName)
app.getFactory(name) app.get(factoryName)
app.getModel(name) app.get(modelName)
app.getStore() app.get('store')
app.getState$() app.get('store').getState$()
app.dispatch(action) app.get('store').dispatch(action)
app.render app.get('component')
app.getWidgets() app.getApps$()



import { createComponent } from 'frint';

const Root = createComponent({
  render() {
    return (
      <p>Hello World</p>


Now we use React directly:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Root extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <p>Hello world</p>

Note: Remember that the lifecycle methods in Components need to follow React's API too now:

v0.x - Frint createComponent v1.x - React Component
beforeMount componentWillMount
afterMount componentDidMount
beforeUnmount componentWillUnmount

Root components


import { createApp } from 'frint';

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  component: MyComponent


Components are optional in v1.x:

import { createApp } from 'frint';

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  providers: [
      name: 'component',
      useValue: MyRootComponent



import { PropTypes } from 'frint';


In React v0.14:

import { PropTypes } from 'react';

To keep things compatible with React v15+:

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';



import { createApp, combineReducers } from 'frint';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  foo: fooReducer,
  bar: barReducer

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  reducer: rootReducer,
  initialState: {}

const app = new App();
const store = app.getStore();


Stores are optional in v1.x:

import { createApp } from 'frint';
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'frint-store';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  foo: fooReducer,
  bar: barReducer

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  providers: [
      name: 'store',
      useFactory: function ({ app }) {
        const Store = createStore({
          reducer: rootReducer,
          initialState: {},
          thunkArgument: { app }, // for async actions

        return new Store();
      deps: ['app']

const store = app.get('store');



import { createApp, createService } from 'frint';

const FooService = createService({
  getAppName() {
    return this.app.getName();

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  services: {
    foo: FooService

const app = new App();
const foo = app.getService('foo');


import { createApp } from 'frint';

// just a regular ES6-compatible class
class FooService {
  constructor({ app }) {
    this.app = app;

  getAppName() {
    return this.app.getName();

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  providers: [
      name: 'foo',
      useClass: FooService,
      cascade: true, // if you want Apps to access it
      deps: ['app'] // values are made available in constructor argument

const app = new App();
const foo = app.get('foo');



import { createApp, createFactory } from 'frint';

const BarFactory = createFactory({
  getAppName() {
    return this.app.getName();

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  factories: {
    bar: BarFactory

const app = new App();
const bar = app.getFactory('bar');


import { createApp } from 'frint';

// just a regular ES6-compatible class
class BarFactory {
  constructor({ app }) {
    this.app = app;

  getAppName() {
    return this.app.getName();

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  providers: [
      name: 'bar',
      useClass: BarFactory,
      cascade: true, // if you want Apps to access it
      scoped: true, // means Apps will get a fresh new scoped instance themselves
      deps: ['app']

const app = new App();
const bar = app.get('bar');



import { createModel, createApp } from 'frint';

const BazModel = createModel({});

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  models: {
    baz: BazModel
  modelAttributes: {
    baz: {
      key: 'value'

const app = new App();
const baz = app.getModel('baz');


import { createModel, createApp } from 'frint';

const BazModel = createModel({});

const App = createApp({
  name: 'MyApp',
  providers: [
      name: 'baz',
      useFactory: function () {
        return new BazModel({
          key: 'value'
      cascade: true

const app = new App();
const baz = app.get('baz');



// ./components/Root.js
import { mapToProps, createComponent } from 'frint';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

import { addTodo } from '../actions/todos';

const Root = createComponent({
  render() {
    // ...

export default mapToProps({
  state(state) => ({
    todos: state.todos.records
  dispatch: {
    handleAddButton: addTodo
  app(app) {
    return {
      appName: app.getName()
  shared(sharedState) => ({
    counter: sharedState.SomeOtherAppName[reducerName].someKey
  services: {
    foo: 'foo'
  factories: {
    bar: 'bar'
  models: {
    baz: 'baz'
  observe(app) {
    return Observable
      .map(x => ({ interval: x }));


The usage of mapToProps can be replaced with observe, along with a helper function streamProps for keeping code even shorter:

// ./components/Root.js
import React from 'react';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { observe, streamProps } from 'frint-react';

import { addTodo } from '../actions/todos';

const Root = React.createClass({
  render() {
    // ...

export default observe(function (app) {
  // We need to return a single Observable from this function.
  // Either manually for greater control, or using `streamProps`:

  return streamProps({}) // default props to start with
    // state
      state => ({ todos: state.todos.records })

    // dispatch
      handleAddButton: addTodo
    }, app.get('store'))

    // app
    .set('appName', app.getName())

    // shared state
      app => app.get('store').getState$(),
      state => ({ counter: state[reducerName].someKey })

    // services
    .set('foo', app.get('foo'))

    // factories
    .set('bar', app.get('bar'))

    // models
    .set('baz', app.get('baz'))

    // observe
      x => ({ interval: x })

    // return final Observable